NJPW New Beginning In Osaka Results: Ospreay vs. Hiromu, Goto vs. EVIL, Okada vs. SANADA, More.

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

They charge each other to start and exchange rapid strikes, followed by an acrobatic transition into a headscissors, sending Ospreay to the outside. Ospreay gets back in the ring and hits a hurricanrana that sends Ospreay to the outside. Ospreay goes for the Sasuke Special but Hiromu counters with a German Suplex to the floor. Ospreay whips Takahashi into the guardrail . Ospreay charges but Takahashi hits a Belly To Belly into the guardrail. Hiromu chokes Ospreay with his boot.

Back in the ring and Hiromu maintains dominance over Ospreay. Hiromu chops away at Ospreay’s chest. Hiromu sends Ospreay into the middle rope and then hits a running dropkick for two. Hiromue kicks away at Ospreay. Ospreay gets to his feet and gets a chop and a belly to back suplex for his trouble. Hiromu locks in a headscissors submission. Ospreay powers out, gets whipped into the ropes, hits a kick and then a handspring enziguri. Ospreay gets cornered but fights out. Ospreay gets to the apron where Hiromu attempts the sunset flip powerbomb to the outside. Ospreay hits an apron run kick and then battles Hiromu to the guardrail, where he hits springboard forearm off the guardrail.

Back in the ring and Ospreay hits a springboard flying clothesline for two. Ospreay hits Pip-Pip Cheerio and goes for a reverse DDT but Hiromu counter only to eat a boot from Ospreay. Ospreay attacks Hiromu’s legs. Ospreay attempts a Robinson Special but Hiromu counters. Hiromu hits a pop-up powerbomb and then a German Suplex.

Ospreay gets the better of Hiromu in the corner, but Hiromu hits an apron clothesline, followed by a Sunset Bomb. Hiromu gets back in the ring and climbs to top rope. Hiromu hits a top rope senton and then rolls Ospreay into the ring. Hiromu hits a huge slam for two. Hiromu goes for Timebomb but Ospreay reverses. Huge lariat and both men are down. Hiromu tries a Wheelbarrow Suplex  from the top but Ospreay hits a top rope German that drives Hiromu into the top rope. Ospreay hits the imploding 450 for two.

Ospreay hits a Robinson Special. Hiromu counters an Oscutter with a reverse Cutter. Both men struggle to their feet and exchange forearms on their knees. Hiromu gets to his feet. Ospreay gets to his feet. Forearms continue. Ospreay dominates Hiromu with strikes but Hiromu chops him back, staggering the champion. Hiromu pummels Ospreay in the corner. Ospreay counters with a Cheeky Nandos Kick. Avalanche Reverse Hurricanrana gets not even a one count.

The two exchange kicks. Thrust kick from Hiromu. Enziguri from Ospreay knocks Hiromu down. Ospreay goes for Timebomb but Hiromu counters with a Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Hiromu goes for Timebomb but Ospreay fights out and hits a Dragon Suplex, but Takahashi lands on his feet. Hiromu counters the Oscutter with a German Suplex but Ospreay comes back with a standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay drapes Hiromu across the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press. Ospreay hits Timebomb for two. Ospreay hits the Beheading and then an Oscutter for the pinfall.

Will Ospreay (LIJ 2, CHAOS 1)

Bell sounds and both men just stare each other down. Goto goes for a lock up but gets kicked in the gut. EVIL locks in a headlock and Goto tries to power out. Goto finally breaks and locks in a headlock of his own. EVIL sends Goto into the ropes but neither man can drop the other. Goto finally picks up momentum and hits a shoulderblock. Goto snapmares EVIL and kicks him while he’s down. Goto continues to dominate EVIL. Goto hits a jumping elbow for a one count.

Goto locks in a chinlock. Goto corners EVIL and pummels him. He sends EVIL into the opposite corner but eats a clothesline. Goto slides out of the ring and EVIL follows. EVIL whips Goto into the guardrail. EVIL grabs a chair and takes EVIL out to the crowd. EVIL wraps the chair around Goto’s neck and runs him into the turnbucke post. EVIL gets back in the ring while the referee checks on Goto.

EVIL gets out of the ring and rolls Goto back in the ring. EVIL locks in a chin lock but Goto gets to the ropes. EVIL stomps on Goto. EVIL hits a side slam for two. EVIL taunts Goto. The two exchange chops and EVIL knocks Goto down. EVIL immediately hits a Senton for a two.

EVIl whips Goto into the corner but Goto fights back. Goto floors EVIL, picks him up and starts pummeling him with kicks and forearms. Goto charges EVIL and then hits a Saito for a two count. Goto fights out of a German, but EVIL reverses the kick and thrust kicks Goto’s midsection. EVIL hits a charging lariat followed by a bulldog for two.

EVIL goes for Darkness Falls but Goto counters. Goto locks in a Sleeper from the apron, but EVIL hits a huge clothesline, sending Goto to the floor. EVIL grabs two chairs, no three chairs and then shoves the referee. EVIL sets up the chairs and tries to hit Darkness Falls but Goto fights out. EVIL hits a kick and tries another Darkness Falls but Goto counters with a snap suplex onto the chairs. Goto gets EVIL back in the ring and stomps away on the King of Darkness. Goto hits a running lariat in the corner. Goto kicks EVIL while he’s knocked out. Goto continues with swift kicks to the chest. Goto gets EVIL to the top rope and pummels him with forearms. Goto goes for a Samoan Drop from the top rope, but EVIL fights out. EVIL gets a thumb in Goto’s eye. EVIL grabs Goto’s necklace of wooden balls and thwacks Goto with them. EVIL chokes Goto with his balls. Goto fights out and hits Ushiguroshi.

Goto puts on his ball necklace and hits a huge kick to EVIL. Goto goes for a suplex but EVIL counters. Goto hits GTR but can’t get the cover.

Both men charge each other and both hit clotheslines, both stay standing. Goto staggers EVIL but EVIL hits a lariat. Goto hits a lariat. Goto goes for another but EVIL hits a lariat and then hits Darkness Falls for two. EVIL goes for Everything Is EVIL but it’s blocked. EVIL hits a lariat for two.

EVIL locks in a Full Nelson but Goto fights out. Goto hits a huge headbutt. Goto hits an Implant GTR for two. Goto goes for a GTO but EVIL counters with the STO but Goto counters with GTR for the pinfall.

Hirooki Goto (CHAOS 2, LIJ 2)
